Perfect Memory

When I first moved to Hong Kong and lived in Kowloon City, I saw Chow Yun Fat at the wet market. I had been up all night (in fact, I had been on a two week-long bender) and was shortcutting through the wet market on my way home. It was really early in the morning, and I was still kind of fucked up and wearing someone's little brother's clothes. Ugh, those were terrible days. I also had a mullet, just so you realize the seriousness of my mental state.

I didn't realize it was Chow Yun Fat at first, all I knew was there was this dude who just looked so fucking BADASS. I thought he was a gangster or something at first, he was just radiating so much charisma, but he was too happy-looking to be a criminal. Also, he was wearing rubber slippers and haggling with the market aunties and saying, "Give me a good price, come on!"

Anyway, after a few seconds, I realized who it was and you know, even during my job in the music industry, I never met anyone with that kind of powerful charisma. He radiated some kind of positive energy, you couldn't stop looking at him because it made you feel amazed and awed.

A couple of years later, my ex-husband and I saw Chow Yun Fat again on the street, and the same thing happened. My ex-husband didn't recognize him, but he grabbed me and said, "Look at that fucking dude! That's the coolest motherfucker I've ever seen in my life!"

Anyway, if you visit Hong Kong, I hope you, too, will have the good fortune of seeing Chow Yun Fat and experiencing his powerful charisma yourself.

Er...this is not the same wet market, by the way, but this picture brought up memories for me.