Shawband CUHK 2011

Crap, I don't know if I can make it all the way to Chinese University for this show. I'd love to support these kids -- and really, the tickets are only HKD25 for walk-in -- but CUHK is all the way in the New Territories. It'll take me an hour to get there by train. Hm.

Shawband CUHK 2011聲大夾樂
一場專為中大band而設的band show
這場band show有不同音樂類型包括pop rock, acoustic, hard rock, metal

演出日期: 4月7日(星期四)
演出時間: 18:30-21:00
演出地點: 中文大學本部 邵逸夫夫人樓LT6
票價: 20元正(ADVANCED)/ 25元正(WALK IN)
購買方法: 請將你姓名、訂門票數量、手提電話及EMAIL 1.SEND 去 或2.直接打去向負責人小玲(61901468)/毛利 (65418074)訂票或3.在4月6到中大民主女神像(大學站對出)的counter訂飛。

New blood for Rock N’ Roll in CUHK
Shawband CUHK 2011 Loud N’ Raw
A band show for all CUHK bands
This band show gets different CUHK bands to perform with several styles like pop rock, acoustic, hard rock, metal
Don’t miss it!
Everyone is welcome to watch this show!

Date: 7th April
Time: 18:30-21:00
Venue: CUHK main campus Lady Shaw Building LT6
Fee: $20(advanced)/ $25(Walk-in)
Method to buy tickets: Please 1.send your Name, amount of pre-order ticket, Mobile phone no. and email to or person-in-charge directly to order tickets Siuling(61901468)/ Molly( 65418074)


GUEST BAND為 corey tam! (HK Alternative / Acoustic Rock / Folk)
1.Dennis ‘s acoustic band:

音樂類型 (music genre): acoustic
Dennis前身為公大音樂學會社員,大學時一直有與同學組隊玩acoustic音樂,他們為是次band show 準備了四首cover歌,當中包括是大家耳熟能詳的loving you,大家不要錯過他們這次的深情acoustic演出。

2.Fleurs du Mal:

音樂類型 (music genre): symphonic metal
a local symphonic metal emsemble with members playing under different band titles, who now have decided to gather and expand their exploration into other genres of music. They pool their influence from pop, metal and the beauty of baroque music into their own genre of rock and roll, not bound by any worldy chains on the realm of imagination and creativity
Gloria Tai: vocal
Danny Ching : keyboard, supporting vocal
Long Chan: guitar, vocal
Ernest Ng: guitar, keyboard
Dominic Tsang: bass
Tak Chiu: drums


音樂類型 (music genre): Pop, Pop Rock
2010年9月成軍的女子樂隊, 音樂類型pop, pop rock, 現時以cover 香港流行曲 為主,繼上次2010聲大樂夾成功演出後,今次決定再踏上中大舞台向同學宣揚屬於她們的band sound。
Vocal+Guitar: Sue
Guitar+Back up vocal: G.Lun
Keyboard+Back up vocal: Monsten
Bass: Kit
Drum: JC

4. Craze (music genre: pop rock)
2010年剛剛成型的內地生樂隊, 音樂類型pop rock,
正處於成立初期, 大多cover經典流行搖滾為主, 最近開始嘗試創作
Vocal: 燕平
Rhythm Guitar: Alex
Leading Guitar: 二二
KB: Tina
Drum: 小偉
音樂類型 (music genre): hard rock/ pop rock
“仨“成立三年, 風格以Hard Rock 和Pop rock 為主,也會定期作Unplugged 演出。 樂隊主張歌曲要有血有淚, 歌曲內容多以日常生活, 人際關係和人生哲理作主題。
成立初期主要演奏cover 作品, 近2 年積極創作音樂,而且在2010年8月於<禁毒SUN世代BAND SOUND 比賽> 中獲得亞軍。
Lead Vocal/Bass - Kevin
Guitar/Vocal - 輝
Drum/Vocal - MC