Kotex Sanitary Napkins

I don't know why people don't discuss sanitary napkins more when it's so important to find the perfect ones. I clot really easily, which means my period isn't just watery liquid. Girls, you know what I mean. Guys, better not eat that blueberry cheesecake today. So, tampons are out of the question, and before I moved to Hong Kong, I was an unhappy pad hopper. I would change period pads all the time in vain search for the pad that could hold all that blood and not feel gross.

I discovered Kotex's Natural line through a friend about seven or eight years ago, I think. I swear to you, this is absolutely the best period pad ever. It's not plasticky at all, it truly feels like cotton. No diaper rash, it doesn't move around in your underwear, and the thinnest pad (which is the one I use) has enough absorbent power to get you through a couple of hours of heavy flow. The wings are wide and large enough to prevent side leakage while you're in action, too.

I haven't ever tried their regular and thick pads, though, so I can't say what the comfort level of those ones are.

When I bought my latest package of Kotex, it came with a sample of their night-time period pad. Jesus Lord! Forty-one centimeters??

Here's a side-by-side comparison of the thin pad and the night-time pad.

Good Lord! Maybe I've seen too much porn, but if I ever encountered a ten-inch penis, I would probably just shrug, whereas this period pad truly shocked me with its massive size. Honestly, I think the back of it would stick out of my underwear.

Here it is next to a panty liner for comparison. Good Lord, Jeeves! It's like a sumo belt!

I tried it out since I've got my period, and I have to say that it felt really weird, like there was a pillow stuck on my butt. The coverage was great, I didn't get any leakage at all despite producing disgusting things all night. I was wearing a pair of granny-style panties (you know, the boy-cut ones), and the pad wrapped around it well. I don't think regular bikini briefs would be as suitable.

Anyway, ladies, if you can't get Kotex Natural in your place of residence, I strongly suggest stocking up while you're in Hong Kong. They're cheaper at the supermarkets, by the way.