cape: handmade by my mama
tights: urban outfitters
shoes: anthropologie
valley forge is a gorgeous national park about 20 miles outside of philadelphia. about 225 years ago, george washington and his troops parked there for the winter. during this time, the army was suffering from starvation, disease, exposure, etc. they made thatched huts, which took anywhere from three days to one week to make. the huts that you see in the first picture are reproductions, but one can imagine how cramped and uncomfortable (not to mention unsanitary) the conditions were.
maybe you remember valley forge from the cycling trips i've taken there. the park is huge; there are cycling and roller blading trails, a big stream, lots of open fields, and historic landmarks. there's even a church built in 1903 that (apparently) has a seven year waiting list for getting married there. as bryan and i were driving around the park, we passed an old hotel/restaurant that had been abandoned and i'm dying to go inside.
also - thank you for the incredibly sweet comments and emails about louie. he is now able to take 5-6 steps before sitting down, but is still limping on his right foot. he's eating and drinking, which is also a good sign. we've been spoon feeding him, fluffing his pillows: i even set my alarm for every two hours last night to check on him. by saturday, we'll know whether to go with the surgery or not. but - and i say this hesitantly - it looks like he's improving. all your thoughts and good vibes helped!