anchors aweigh.

blouse: forever21
skirt: vintage
belt: vintage (from my mom)
shoes: chloe

a couple of months ago, bryan and i were planning fake vacations and searching travelocity and expedia for travel deals (please tell me that we're not the only people that do this). as we were paging through the travel deals, we realized that it was insanely cheap to go to asia during march; you could get a round trip ticket and 8 nights in a hotel for the same price as just the flight. we ended up mentioning this to our good friend jon (who you've met before) and incidentally him and his family were planning on making a trip to hong kong during the same time. after some planning and an amazing hookup from his mom (chinese travel agencies seriously have the best deals - we ended up getting an even better price on the trip!), we decided that we would tag along with them. so, that big news that i had to share...

we're leaving for hong kong tomorrow.

i know it's weird that i didn't bring it up before, even though we've had it planned for two months now - but i really didn't know how to go about doing it, and then too much time had passed and it just seemed odd to randomly mention it. anyway, that's that. i'm running around the house and frantically packing, and i'm sure some ridiculous choices will be made in terms of what i'm bringing. i'm also one of those people that has to scour the house before leaving on a trip, so i'm trying to finish washing the floors and cleaning the kitchen. it's quite a crazy scene in my house right now.

i have some amazing ladies set up to guest blog on tick tock vintage while i'm gone, and you certainly won't be disappointed - expect lots of travel-related posts! be sure to also check out my interview with tieka of selective potential; she picked me as her featured blogger for the spring, and i couldn't be happier to be chosen by a sweeter girl.

in the meantime, i'm curious to know - what was your favorite vacation (near or far) that you've been on? i think my favorite so far has been our trip to amsterdam; the houses were so beautiful, and i'd move there in a heartbeat if we had the chance.