Comparision between a Fake Porter Bag & a Original - DO NOT BUY FAKE PRODUCTS

I bought this bag from China to illustrate the difference between the Fake & the Original Porter Bag. I intent to give it away after the review. - DO NOT SUPPORT FAKES.

The replica Porter Bag from China - Cost me USD25 before shipping
The outer drawstring carrier bag that holds the replica bag
The logo on the replica bag
The fake keyring on the front of the bag
close up of the metal button on the keyring
The inner compartments of the bag
The Porter label tag on the replica bag (wrong spelling?)
The original & fake Porter bag compared side by side. The original bag is on the right
The Fake Porter Logo on the Bag...Poor workmanship and loose thread
The original keyring vs the fake. See the difference
Another view of the keyring
Even the material used is different
Conclusion - The original Port Japan Bag is good in quality and workmanship whilst the fake looks completely FAKE!!!! Material used is lousy...One look can tell already that it is a replica bag cos even ZINC Bag has better quality.