Filler Outfit #2

The weather was kind of weird on Tuesday. We had intermittent drizzle but sunshine at noon, and then it was overcast the rest of the day and kind of chilly at night.

I had to be out all day for work, so I decided to layer up, just in case. My riding jacket -- did I ever mention that this has a matching skirt? I bought it off this independent designer in London, and the outfit was damn expensive, but considering how well made it is, and he sewed it himself, I figured it was worth it. The sleeveless hoodie is an old Cosmic Girls one, and I wore a yellow and white striped vintage shirt underneath. The plaid skirt is vintage, and it's one of the few ones that look nice with a petticoat. I unfolded my Moussy boots and wore them up.

I don't know why the colours look so washed out in the pictures.

I love how the jacket closes with a tie rather than buttons.

I took this picture to show the yellow shirt underneath. I love pairing stripes and plaid.

I don't really wear hoodies, but Little Demon got this for me. I guess you can see why.