Big Chop Now What?

So when I decided to go natural I didn't even think that , "I am going Natural!" We don't think about the fact that life is no longer a get up and go thing. I can not just curl my hair or put my hair in a ponytail and go. That was the hardest thing about going natural. Now that I did the big chop, what next? I was never the type to just take my TWA and go. I didn't wake up and pic my hair and go. I tried every style I could think of. Really my friends can tell you. With the little bit of hair I had, I found myself braiding it in different styles weekly. 

My natural process was a little differently though. if you look here you will notice that I still had enough hair to braid. Everyone does not have this option. Here you will see just a few styles I tried out in the beginning.
This styles was like three weeks after my big chop.

These two pictures were taken at a camping trip about a week after my big chop. I rocked braids hard throughout my beginning process and still do. 

So the answer is the question what to do after chopping off your hair is, basically do what feels right for you. While I love to braid my hair my roommate, who also chopped her hair, decided she liked to rock her fro and the same for some friends of mines. 
You chopped your hair for a reason, now that you are stepping outside of the norm of society why let someone else decide how you are to go about being natural. Being natural is about being true to your self. So if wearing a fro and a flower with big hoops is you then be strong my sister.

Let's rock the natural within!