I Need a Love Reaction

It's been one year since I adopted Chabi from a shelter, and to celebrate, I thought I'd get her a kitty friend. I agreed to foster a one-eyed Persian named Nutmeg who has got to be one of the biggest cats I've ever seen. If things go well, I'll try to keep her so that Chabi won't be so lonely while I'm out.

Since it's only been a couple of days since Nutmeg arrived, the two cats are still wary of each other. Chabi is being really bitchy, and Nutmeg seems to be quite intimidated by her. What can I say, Chabi is a boss! Still, the fact that Chabi isn't attacking her is a good sign. I hope they'll be comfortable with each other in a couple of weeks.

I wanted to share some really hilarious photos with you of what it's like right now while the two adjust to each other.

First off, let me introduce Nutmeg! Look at dat rass!

She's really sweet and docile. I think she's one of the most passive cats I've ever encountered. I put her in my bedroom at first, and when Chabi seemed to be more okay about her presence, I started opening the door.

Here is a series of pictures where Chabi is basically patrolling the door and using her evil eyes to keep Nutmeg inside the bedroom. Sorry about the mess in my flat, the cats kind of dragged stuff around.

Nutmeg: Alamak!

Nutmeg: What should I do, what should I do?

Nutmeg: Okay...this isn't looking good...maybe I should retreat.

Haha, oh Lord, these next two pictures are just so funny to me. Look at poor Nutmeg's worried face.

And now look at Chabi's evil glare. I threw a treat at her to distract her, but she ended up licking it and glaring at Nutmeg the whole time. I don't know how that cat got to be such a bully.

Later on, Chabi got tired and went up to her window ledge perch, and Nutmeg finally ventured out.

Chabi continued to monitor the situation and send out evil death rays from her eyes from her sniper position. Look at that melodramatic lighting, too.

Poor Nutmeg!

Haha, Chabi's expression!! Although maybe it's my fault she's like this because I'm also very defensive of my space.

Nutmeg sheltering from the death rays under the daybed.

Chabi got so tired, she fell asleep on her perch, even though she looks so uncomfortable. And look at that disgruntled expression! That is one pissed-off cat, no?

Anyway, wish me luck with these two! I hope they become good friends eventually.