Ouch! He Tried Painful 'He-Waxing'

He-Waxing: The Brazilian Bikini Wax For Men

By Brooke Porter

"Ouch." "What man in his right mind would do that to himself?" "Ouch." These were the first thoughts that ran through my mind upon hearing that Bliss spa is offering a $120 "Ultimate He-Wax," aka a Brazilian for men, aka a Guyzilian. Yup, that's right: They're taking it ALL off. Judging by what I (and my fellow ladies) go through every month, I probably should have been thinking, "It's about time they know what it feels like."
I agree that men should clean up around the edges -- and Bliss also offers less-intrusive male waxing options -- but totally hairless? So when I found out that Evan Barden, a seemingly normal, completely straight business consultant/improv comedian was interested in baring it all at the spa's Soho location, I decided I had to meet him and find out why, oh why, he was going (as Bliss puts it) from hairy to hero.
I asked Evan just that last Tuesday evening at the powder blue-hued spa. His response? "I like to be able to sympathize with women on occasion, so this is one way I can know their pain," says Evan, whose typical grooming habits include using an electric trimmer every two weeks to "clean it up and make it look nice." "I can't really go through childbirth, and I probably won't wear heels any time soon, so I think the wax is kind of the least I can do." (If only all men were so sympathetic.)
Evan admits to feeling a bit nervous and scared, but his fear is caused more by the potential after-effects. And as for the pain? "I'm only expecting a 5," he says. I chuckle to myself. We'll see about that.
When Evan emerges 30 minutes later, I can see the shock in his eyes. I've been through the process enough times that it's not traumatic anymore, but I remember my first. (Ladies, you know you remember it, too.) And at that moment, I really felt for him. Yes, I sympathize with him.
So, I ask him, how do you feel? "Right now I'm a little sticky from all the wax, but mostly just still in shock," he says. "And I feel like a sunburned child." 

More importantly, did it accomplish what he was hoping for: to understand women a little better? "I do have somewhat of an appreciation now for those who choose to go for this once a month," he says, "but I do also think they're crazier than I already thought they were."
Bliss Soho, 568 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Bliss 57, 12 W. 57th St., 3rd Floor
Bliss 49, 541 Lexington Ave.
For appointments at any location: 877-862-5477