Sony DiscMan at Mustafa only at $49.00

Why get a discman, are you crazy???? why you you get a Ipod or MP3 player instead...are the questions that are asked by my friends for the past few days....REASON - Nostalgia & the fact that most of my learning Japanese Books comes with a Free CD....(OK I am secretly learning Japanese !!!!)...Hmmm the discman....I never really liked it in the past because in the early days, the tracks always skipped when I am walking....(that is before the anti-shock system) and it seems larger in size when compared to a walkman..dimension-wise althogh it was much thinner later on.. I started using a discman pretty late, probably during my poly days and it is not even my own...I borrowed it from 2 friends from time to time..(a panasonic & a technics model) and remeber the energy guzzling device that drain my batteries as well as my wallet... I am more of a walkman or a FM receiver guy....But after a long while, I started to like the discman when its design became slimmer, the antishock became better and the prices became cheaper....but I hated SONY brand because they sort of used plastic for the sensor that is used to read the CD so I cannot listen to "AFTER Market" or "Bootlegged" discs on them....and not only that, the sensor tends to spoil faster compared to AIWA or Panasonic who used crystal glass as its sensor which can listen to all the cds as well as the sensor being less damage-prone....I also experimented with the MD Players but that is another story...hehe....
The below 2 discs are the 1st that I owned on Japanese Music....The Namie Amuro & the Extasy Records Compliation Discs...Damn Tower Records & HMV charged so EXPENSIVE for Import Versions.....which I can ill afford in my poly days....Time really flies....its been so long......10 over years...haiz...time to dig out all the old discs and listen......