Deja Vu

I know I said I wouldn't write about bars or clubs because I try my best not to go out at night. I'm just too old and impatient for it. However, there are two places that I do visit occasionally, and one of them is Deja Vu, which is owned by some friends of mine.

Yes, so I'm biased, but I really do like Deja Vu over in Soho. Unlike other bars, it's not filled with sports enthusiasts shrieking over sweaty guys playing with a ball or annoying, hick/suburban youngsters overexcited about drinking and going "HEY MAN, I'M SO DRUNK RIGHT NOW," or desperate, pathetic people who need to have sex with strangers because they don't know how to fill the void of their insecurity and low self-esteem. The proprietors are gay, so although it isn't exactly a gay bar, the crowd tends to have more gay men and women, which means that the sophistication level is much higher than at other places.

The music is good and it's never too loud. It's not like those horrid bars with shitty hiphop and Eurotrash guido music that's turned up so loud that the person next to you could let go of a fart that would melt the wallpaper and no one would know.

Plus the cocktails at Deja Vu are just delightful. They have one with lemongrass that is just delicious, and if you don't like any of the cocktails on the menu, ask Kenneth the bartender to whip something up for you. And by the way, Kenneth is GORGEOUS (and straight). I took the Other Dude to Deja Vu a long time ago, and she said that it was wrong for me to hit on Kenneth because Kenneth is too beautiful to be harassed. He's like a painting that must only be appreciated and left unsullied. So, if any of you bitches try anything on Kenneth, I will cut you. If I can't have him, no one can!

Cocktails are about HKD75 each. This is quite reasonable for Hong Kong, considering that most other bars will charge upwards of HKD140 for a cocktail. Yes, Hong Kong is ridiculous with the alcohol prices.

Pardon my shitty photographs, it was 3 AM when I took them, and although I didn't have much to drink, I had overindulged in painkillers and was getting tiny seizures. For much better photographs and directions to Deja Vu, check out their Web site here.

I forget the name of this cocktail. I think it's called Thai Beauty.

The smoking lounge. I was at Deja Vu with a couple of chicks, and one of them wanted to smoke so we sat here under the canopy.

There are fresh flowers all the time.

The main bar area.

Stairs leading up to the private lounge. I used to do tarot reading sessions there. Long story.

Inside the private lounge.

View of the main bar area from the stairs.

The bar. Kenneth had gone home by the time I took the photograph. Ugh, missed my chance. But I did touch his hand so I'm happy.

The entrance foyer, which doubles as a smoking area, as well.